What we do

Since 1990 Seva Community Centre is working to provide necessary service to enhance the standard living of rural and tribal communities in the villages of Puducherry UT and in the Kalvarayan hills.

In order to eradicate child marriages and to reduce poor socio-economic status, we started schools for children, livelihood programmes for women, men and youth.

Women SHGs are formed to support women in the same community. Our family consuelling centre and senior citizen home provide care and support for people in need. Through street plays, we conduct awareness programmes on HIV/AIDS, child and community’s rights. We facilitate healthcare services for mothers and children through our programmes as well as medical camps. As far as youths are concerned, we provide skill development training and horticulture practices for them.

The integrated approach of our organization ensures the holistic development of communities.


Mr. A.K. Nehru Director Cum Secretary of Community Seva Centre

Our Impact

Villages involved
Children attended our free crèches
People supported through our Family Counseling Centre
Tribal children obtained free education
Children sheltered through Seva Children Home
Women benefited through Seva Self-help Groups

Our Partners